Memoires de fin d etudes
Memoires de fin d etudes

memoires de fin d etudes

These higher yields pose serious problems of inundation and sediment deposition, furthermore the loss of the water resource and arable land, as rare in Algeria. The obtained results show that the Hodna watershed loses annually about of 403 million m3 of water and 11 milliontons of sediment however, these numbers may be double, taking into account the both variability of the rainfall and the erosion. Assuming that the sub-basins of each group have the same hydrological behaviour, the specific erosion and the depth of runoff calculated from the gauged sub-basins are extrapolated to those ungauged, in each group. Among the four sub-basins of the group (Elham, Bousaâda, M’cif, El Ham) Only Elham sub-basin is gauged by three stations, two into the sub-basin and the third (Rocad sud station) at its outlet. The second sub-basins group (southern) is characterized, contrary to the first one, by a low rainfall and land slope with a mediocre vegetative cover. The two others sub-basins (Lougmane and Barika) are not gauged. For a total area of 9553 km², there are only two gauging stations: K’sob and Sidi Oudah station installed into tow sub-basins K’sob and Soubella respectively. The first sub-basins group (northern) is characterized by a relatively high rainfall, dense vegetative cover and a high land slope. The sub-basins of Hodna can be organized in two groups: the group of sub-basins of the northern and that of the southern. Accompagnement dun projet dexploitation du cadastre solaire de Brest Métropole en vue du déploiement dinstallations solaires photovoltaïques / Marion. L’accompagnement dans une démarche volontaire de rénovation énergétique / Boris Coedel. In this paper, we use the reliable data of these stations to quantify the water and sediment yields of Hodna basin furthermore, we examine their harmful impacts. Liste des rapports de fin détudes ingénieurs 5ème année (I5) 2019 / Laurence Thenaisy. Hodna basin is equipped with 7 gauging stations that are not all reliable. The risk of the spread of salinity is also high. The population of the few villages and all the infrastructures in the bowl are threatened.

memoires de fin d etudes

These two problems have become more visible and persistent last years. Caracterisation des savanes dune region des Llanos Orientaux de Colombie : Memoire de fin detudes, Cali, Colombie du 26 juin. At the centre of this letter region, the dry salt lake named “Chott El Hodna” (1150 km²) receives the liquid and solid yields of the all wadis of Hodnaīasin, which poses serious problems of flooding and deposition of sediment. The situation of this basin between two sets of mountains at the north and the south, organizes it as an endorheic basin around an almost flat depression at 400 m altitude. Exemple De Présentation Powerpoint Diplôme De Fin D Études Télécharger cet exemple de dédicace pour projet de fin détude supérieurs en format pdf. The final score is not the average of the notes proposed in each grid instead the jury bases itself on these grids to establish the final score.The Hodna watershed (26 000 km²) is the fifth large basin of Algeria, it is located in the centre of Algeria at 150 km from the Mediterranean Sea. The student is expected to take these grids into account during the execution of his work and presentation because they clearly indicate what is expected. The final notes is obtained by consesus in the jury, or by simple majority vote.Ī number of evaluation grids are proposed to the jury to aid in its evaluation task: the supervisor grid, the reviewer grid, and the jury grid for the evaluation of the oral presentation. The jury restrient deliberates behind closed doors. The deliberation yields a score between 0 and 20. Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks) The defense is public and the date is announced at least 8 days in advance. The master thesis defense is done in English in front of the jury restreint Ingénieur Civil en Informatique. The evaluation is based on the written report as well as an oral defense presentation.

Memoires de fin d etudes