H1z1 king of the kill g2a
H1z1 king of the kill g2a

This playstyle usually gets someone the furthest into the match, but it can get very boring, and it will get dangerous if they are still stuck in position once bombs start falling. After finding their gear, these players will immediately seek out a bush near the gas to hide in. The last group of people play a less enjoyable and narcissistic game according to many other players.These players tend to stay more to the center of the safe area, and they know where to find the next group. 'Hunters' are the players that don't want to hide or camp, and have played enough to know that they probably wont be using the many rounds of ammunition they have found while scavenging.They are usually killed by the next group. Most players will spend the remaining time in the match trying to find their way out of the poisonous green fog while they still try to find more gear.After the first half of players have died, the remaining will fall into one of three types of play. The first fifteen or so minutes tend to be fast paced, and usually half of the players will die during this time. After the players land, they will find weapons and gear in plentiful supply. The players are dropped in from the skies with parachutes. Once the countdown is up, the round will begin. During the countdown, up to fifty more players are able to join, capping the match off at one hundred and fifty players maximum. Once at least a hundred players have connected, a thirty second countdown will begin. Obscene statements, creep-talk, music, calling the names of popular streamers, and flat out screaming is nothing out of the ordinary, and is to be expected.

h1z1 king of the kill g2a h1z1 king of the kill g2a

This venting is meant to be humorous, but for the less desensitized folk it is recommended to mute all sounds until they start the round. This holding area is where players tend to vent their frustrations before the match, usually through voice communication. Once a player joins a server for a round of King Of The Kill, they are placed into a holding area, named the "Box of Destiny", until enough players have joined.

H1z1 king of the kill g2a