Players may compete for a top spot on the global leaderboards by continuing to progress through the level and filling up the meter even more, however, this is not necessary. Once the player has filled the completion bar for a given level, it does not end, but rather speeds up.

Discover Dark Geon - Discover the Dark Geon particle. Discover Dark Acceleron - Discover the Dark Acceleron particle. Additionally, some levels have fewer than the standard eight or ten platform lanes to bounce between, reaching all the way down to two lanes. All the latest Boson X cheats, cheat codes, hints, trophies, achievements, FAQs, trainers and savegames for PC. Certain levels will also include red platforms that begin to fall once the player lands their character on them. Some levels, however, include not only platforms of various heights and gaps between them, but a rotating beam that must be dodged or walls that prevent the player from moving or seeing through that section. Each level has a different set of patterns and speed at which those patterns approach to challenge the player with, as is expected of any runner. Levels vary significantly in pattern, speed, additional hazards, and shape. Within each group, the same six particles are found: Geon, Acceleron, Radion, Graviton, Y Boson, and X Boson. There are the standard particles, Dark particles, and Anti-particles, each group being progressively more difficult. Levels are broken down into three groups of six. Character choice does not affect gameplay in any way. Players may choose their protagonist, given the option of a male scientist, a female scientist, and a robot. Reaching the blue spaces are easier said than done, each level is randomly generated and platforms constantly fall from the sky, meaning that it is impossible to view too much of the course up ahead.Players can jump in three directions (Forward, left or right) jumping left or right causes the level to rotate however it can only rotate once per jump. Like in that game, the player is running inside a 360 loop with platforms on all side, the goal of each level is to discover the element within each level, the player accomplishes this by running on certain blue platforms spread across each level until a meter reaches 100% or above. Boson X is an endless runner game which is similar in concept to the special stages of Chaotix.